
I'm a newbie to mysql.
I'm running an os10.3 server with mysql v. 4.0.16

When I try to start mysql with 'mysqld_safe &' I get a message that:
"Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/mysql"
"040116 10:07:57 mysqld ended"
nothing... the terminal is blank.

when I then do 'ps auwx | grep mysql' I get that only the grep process is running.

then when I do 'mysql -u root' I get this error:
ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (61)

I checked in /tmp and mysql.sock is there.

I'm think that there's something wrong with my /var/mysql database?
Also thinking that I'd be best off re-installing mysql - but how?
I've tried 'rpm -qa \ grep MySQL' but aparently this 'rpm' command is not available.

any help appreciated.


tait sanders
computer technician
sir robert webster bldg

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