I have Mysql 4.0.13 installed. I need to know if upgrading is an option
or if installing the latest binary is a better option.

To be more candid, I have finished the install with the following
config. Not so much content yet...Just some pictures that can be
uploaded again.

Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Apache 2.0.47
PHP 4.3.4
Mysql 4.0.13
Geeklog 1.3.8sr3

The Geeklog part is my weblog that I used to design the site. However
the problem after I finished the installation was that people were not
getting images loaded on their browser from the internet. One person in
particular said they got a POSIX ERROR 54. and I really do not know what
this error meant and neither did the other person.

So I have decided to start the whole thing from scratch and take it one
step at a time, but in doing so, install the latest stable version of
all the softwares that I used before.

Now the question is can mysql be upgraded the way it is now or would an
uninstall be better and installing the latest stable version of mysql?

Secondly, if the 4.0.13 is very stable and recommended, would
uninstalling apache and installing the 2.0.48 of Apache without doing
anything to mysql be okay?

Thanks to all in advance


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