I have a shell script that will insert information about systems I have into
a MySql database. I wanted to have it so that the script could run daily,
and just update the records if a record for the particular system was
already in the database. This could make the script complex because I would
have to check to see if the record exists by matching the ethernet address.
If it does, then it would update the record, if it doesn't, it would add the

The problem I have is that I want to have an auto-increment ID number that I
can have display on a web page, where you would click on the link that
displays the ID number of the computer to display details.

If I use replace, when I update the record, it also updates the ID, so what
was 4 is now 5. I don't want that to change.

Here is what I currently have.

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql  --user=$username --password=$password
--host=$server cetechnology -e \
    "REPLACE INTO hardware_assets (ethernet_address, operating_system,
boot_volume, computer_type, number_of_cpus, cpu_type, total_memory,
bus_speed, \
        cpu_speed, L2_cache_size, serial_number, ip_address, network_name,
script_version, date_processed, asset_tag_number, department, location,
room_number) \
        VALUES \
        ('$ethernet_address', '$operating_system', '$boot_volume',
'$computer_type', '$number_of_cpus',  '$cpu_type', '$total_memory',
'$bus_speed', \
        '$cpu_speed', '$L2_cache_size', '$serial_number', '$ip_address',
'$network_name', '$script_version', '$date_processed', '$asset_tag_number',
        '$department', '$location', '$room_number')";

I am thinking it would be better to have the script search for all records
that match a certain ethernet address. If a record exists, then update the
record, and if one does not exist, then insert a record.

I understand how to select, insert, and update individually, but I am not
sure how to how to put it all together to do what I want this to do.
Something like this:

SELECT * WHERE ethernet_address = $ethernet_address
(if the number of results does not = 0)
UPDATE hardware_assets SET location='my location' WHERE
INSERT hardware_assets (ethernet_address, location) VALUES
($ethernet_address, $location)

Could someone help me finish these statements or show me a better way of
doing this?

Mike Tuller

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