Mike, have you looked into Perl, and Perl's DBI module? 

You can do something like this... (example only, not tested code):

use DBI;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Get arguements from command line
my $ether_address = $ARGV[0];
my $location = $ARGV[1];

# Database connection info
$database = "yourdatabase";
$hostname = "localhost";
$user = "youruser";
$password = "yourpassword";

# Connect to database
$dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname";
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password) or die("$@");

# Prepare queries
my $select_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) WHERE ethernet_address =
my $update_query = "UPDATE hardware_assets SET location=$location WHERE
ethernet_address = '$ether_address'";
my $insert_query = "INSERT hardware_assets (ethernet_address, location)
($ether_address, $location)";

# Make statement handles
my $select_sth = $dbh->prepare($select_query);
my $update_sth = $dbh->prepare($update_query);
my $insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($insert_query);

# Query for rows 
$rv = $select_sth->execute || die("Could not execute $select_query: $!\n");
$count = $select_sth->fetchall_arrayref([0]);

if ($count > 0) {
        my $update_sth->execute || die("Could not execute $update_query:
} else {
        my $insert_sth->execute || die("Could not execute $insert_query:


Good luck,

Joshua Thomas
Network Operations Engineer
PowerOne Media, Inc.
tel: 518-687-6143

Ninety percent of this game is half mental. 
- Yogi Berra 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Tuller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 3:04 PM
> To: MySql List
> Subject: Replace to update records
> I have a shell script that will insert information about 
> systems I have into
> a MySql database. I wanted to have it so that the script 
> could run daily,
> and just update the records if a record for the particular system was
> already in the database. This could make the script complex 
> because I would
> have to check to see if the record exists by matching the 
> ethernet address.
> If it does, then it would update the record, if it doesn't, 
> it would add the
> record.
> The problem I have is that I want to have an auto-increment 
> ID number that I
> can have display on a web page, where you would click on the link that
> displays the ID number of the computer to display details.
> If I use replace, when I update the record, it also updates 
> the ID, so what
> was 4 is now 5. I don't want that to change.
> Here is what I currently have.
> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql  --user=$username --password=$password
> --host=$server cetechnology -e \
>     "REPLACE INTO hardware_assets (ethernet_address, operating_system,
> boot_volume, computer_type, number_of_cpus, cpu_type, total_memory,
> bus_speed, \
>         cpu_speed, L2_cache_size, serial_number, ip_address, 
> network_name,
> script_version, date_processed, asset_tag_number, department, 
> location,
> room_number) \
>         VALUES \
>         ('$ethernet_address', '$operating_system', '$boot_volume',
> '$computer_type', '$number_of_cpus',  '$cpu_type', '$total_memory',
> '$bus_speed', \
>         '$cpu_speed', '$L2_cache_size', '$serial_number', 
> '$ip_address',
> '$network_name', '$script_version', '$date_processed', 
> '$asset_tag_number',
> \
>         '$department', '$location', '$room_number')";
> I am thinking it would be better to have the script search 
> for all records
> that match a certain ethernet address. If a record exists, 
> then update the
> record, and if one does not exist, then insert a record.
> I understand how to select, insert, and update individually, 
> but I am not
> sure how to how to put it all together to do what I want this to do.
> Something like this:
> SELECT * WHERE ethernet_address = $ethernet_address
> (if the number of results does not = 0)
> UPDATE hardware_assets SET location='my location' WHERE
> ethernet_address='$ethernet_address
> Else
> INSERT hardware_assets (ethernet_address, location) VALUES
> ($ethernet_address, $location)
> Could someone help me finish these statements or show me a 
> better way of
> doing this?
> Mike Tuller
> -- 
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