I just installed the server logistics package of mysql 4.0.15 and am getting
the following error entry in the error log on attempting to start the


040126 20:43:45 mysqld started

/Library/MySQL/libexec/mysqld: ERROR: unknown variable
'innodb_buffer_pool_size = 70M' 

040126 20:43:45 mysqld ended


The directory referenced in the error message only contains the mysqld



Kevins-Computer:/Library/MySQL/libexec kevinbarry$ ls mysqld
Kevins-Computer:/Library/MySQL/libexec kevinbarry$


where is the innodb file reference being picked up? What am I missing? There
is not config file in the error directory, is that the problem?


I upgraded from 3.0.x to 4.0.17 on Linux over the weekend and the install
went easier than it has thus far on Mac OS X!!! go figure.


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