On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 03:40:17PM -0000, Andrew Braithwaite wrote:

I employ a simple method, I have a 'status' table on the master and have a
cron job that updates this table with the current time (now()) every minute.
I test all the slaves each minute and if the time in the status table gets
too far behind the actual time then it flags a warning to me.



That's a great idea, thanks!

On a related note, I have two servers, one slave, one master, and I want
to secure the datapath between them. What's the "best" way ? (on Linux,
if that matters) I am considering stunnel, or ssh tunnel, or is there
something in MySQL I can use to connect securely?

Jim Richardson     http://www.eskimo.com/~warlock
"We have to go forth and crush every world view that doesn't believe in
tolerance and free speech," - David Brin

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