On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 09:17:08AM +0100, A.J.Millan wrote:

No, when we implemented high-availability MySQL servers we used MySQL's inbuilt replication - this has been running here for years now and we have had constant DB availability during that time, even though individual machines have failed now and again. We're using 2 masters & 4 slaves with the logic for sql reads going to the slaves and sql writes going to the master handled in the application layer. We also have automatic master failover (although I believe MySQL plan to build this into their product
some point in the near future).

At the moment we are studying the implementation of a MySQL-Apache high High Availability system. Would you be so kind to explain a bit more detailedly the soft/hard aspects of yours application?.

I believe that at the moment this is a hot question.  Probably there are
many more people interested in yours experience.


ZATOR Systems.

Very much so!

Jim Richardson     http://www.eskimo.com/~warlock
If space is warped, time is all that's weft.

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