I have MySQL 4.1.1-1. Given the create statement:

create table supp
   supp_cd char(5) not null,
   supp_nm varchar(48) not null,
   supp_abbr char(4) not null,
   supp_stat varchar(32) not null,
   sz_tp_class_cd char(2) not null,
   ownrshp_class_cd char(2) not null,
   city_nm varchar(32) not null,
   geog_area_nm varchar(32) not null,
   cnty_cd char(2) not null,
   dunn_bradstreet_no char(10) not null,
   updt_user_id smallint not null,
   updt_dt date not null,
   create_dt date not null,
   constraint p1supp primary key (supp_cd)
 ) type = InnoDB;

A descibe shows that supp_cd, supp_abbr and dunn_bradstreet_no are being
added as a varchar() instead of a char(). Any ideas as what is wrong?
Looks like a parsing error.

mysql> describe supp;
| Field              | Type        | Null | Key | Default    | Extra |
| supp_cd            | varchar(5)  |      | PRI |            |       |
| supp_nm            | varchar(48) |      |     |            |       |
| supp_abbr          | varchar(4)  |      |     |            |       |
| supp_stat          | varchar(32) |      |     |            |       |
| sz_tp_class_cd     | char(2)     |      |     |            |       |
| ownrshp_class_cd   | char(2)     |      |     |            |       |
| city_nm            | varchar(32) |      |     |            |       |
| geog_area_nm       | varchar(32) |      |     |            |       |
| cnty_cd            | char(2)     |      |     |            |       |
| dunn_bradstreet_no | varchar(10) |      |     |            |       |
| updt_user_id       | smallint(6) |      |     | 0          |       |
| updt_dt            | date        |      |     | 0000-00-00 |       |
| create_dt          | date        |      |     | 0000-00-00 |       |
13 rows in set (0.01 sec)

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