First and foremost, your English is not even remotely "bad"! You should hear half of my native-English speaking friends!

Can you give us some more information, such as the server configuration, OS, filesystem, MySQL version, table types in use, table size, size of the data gone missing, backup methods and anything else worthy of note (forms of logical volume management, impatient users that reboot servers because they can't look at www.<insert terrible site here>.com due to proxy/firewall restrictions)?



Schmuck, Michael wrote:


I've got a big problem. My MySQL server has yesterday lost data since 20th

Fact, we got a daily tape backup. All our tapes (monday - friday tapes,
oldest one is we 04th feb) are holding the database of 19th january evening.

Yesterday at about 14 o'clock we resartet the demon on our bsd server since
september 03. I belive the deamon
didn't wrote the data into the files. At the restart of the database he
loaded the "old" files and lost erverything newer
then 20th.

Everyone in my company says thats impossible (lost during restart of
deamon). Everyone else says somthing wrong with the database update software, but the user worked all feb with this data.

Wed morning he says he could work with it, but after our restart the
database was like 19th jan.

Has someone ideas why this happened? I couldn't explan to me why this happened!

Michael Schmuck

p.s. sorry for bad english

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