In a message dated 2/11/2004 4:44:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I do just this at the moment - I have a cron job that runs MySQL dump, gzips
the output, and will then ftp the important files to a machine that get's
backed-up to a tape drive.  I also time the dump, and it currently takes
just over 3 minutes which is quite acceptable for what I'm doing.  I'm
thinking about piping the output of mysqldump straight through gzip and then
ftp'd away to ease the disk access too, but that maybe later.

I would still like a best-practices guide though, so that if everything does
go wrong I'm sure that I've got everything I need to reconstruct the system
as swiftly as possible.  I've done some dry runs, but still feel that this
isn't the same as learning from that gleaned by others that may have
actually been faced with disaster in the past!




This is a great topic of interest to me, as I am rolling out MySQL throughout 
our enterprise and naturally, the MS SysAdmin are not comfortable doing 
backups on a Linux box--so I move the dumps to their backup server.

Have you tried to do all of that in one step using SSH?  For example, I often 
transfer big datafiles using the following command:

    tar cf -   BigUncompressedDataFile  |  ssh  -C  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  tar xf 

This effectively compresses the data on the fly, without creating a temporary 
tar file; pipes it to the remote host over SSH ( I use -C for SSH compression 
in case any more could be squeezed out) and then uncompresses the file on the 
remote host.  

Seems to me that your process makes perfect sense, I am just lazy and would 
want it one in one command in my cron job.  However, that's just what I use to 
transfer files to a place I want to work on them, in an uncompressed format on 
the remote host...obviously not what you'd do for backups.  I'll mess with 
trying this with secure copy (SCP) to replace the SSH portion above.

Just thinking out loud.  A Backup/Restore Best Practices Guide would be very 
valuable to everyone I should think.  Happy to help develop/host one if anyone 
wants to pitch in ideas.


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