
try using the one installed in /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_install_db

Best Regards!

On Wed, 2004-02-25 at 18:45, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:

> Hello List:
> I have installed MySQL Master Server from Binaries 4-5 times without
> problem. Now I am installing MySQL CLIENT from source and have run into
> problem, as explained below:
>       Download "mysql-5.0.0-alpha.tar.gz" in  /usr/local 
>               % cd  /usr/local
>               % gunzip < mysql-5.0.0-alpha.tar.gz  | tar -xvf -       
>               % cd mysql-5.0.0-alpha
>               % ./configure   --without-server   --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
>               % make
>               % make install
>               % scripts/mysql_install_db
> When I run the last line "scripts/mysql_install_db", I get an error message
> "No such file or directory".  I have looked into "scripts" folder and ther
> is "mysql_install_db.sh".
> Has anybody else experienced the same problem? What is causing this error?
> Thanks in advance.
> Kirti


 |____  _____ ____   _    |Victor Medina M                   |
 |\ \ \| ____|  _ \ / \   |Linux - Java - MySQL              |
 | \ \ \  _| | |_) / _ \  |Dpto. Sistemas - Ferreteria EPA   |
 | / / / |___|  __/ ___ \ |[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
 |/_/_/|_____|_| /_/   \_\|ext. 325 - Tél: +58-241-8507325   |
 |                        |geek by nature - linux by choice  |

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