MySQL Listers,
        The ability to have utf-8 encoded data in my database is
important enough for me that I am considering upgrading to 4.1. I am a
beginner to MySQL, having only used it for not quite a year. My question
is whether or not MySQL 4.1 is stable enough for a beginner to use. On
the one hand, if things went wrong I would be unlikely to tell the
difference between when version 4.1 had a bug and when I was making a
mistake. On the other hand, I store only a few dozen to a few hundred
records in any one database, my sites are only designed for at most a
few thousand users, and I don't know enough to do anything more than
very simple queries.
        So would you think that it's safe for me to use it, or would you
recommend I hold off from it?

Dave G

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