Really?  I didn't know that a single machine could act as both a slave and a
master for the same DB.   Hmmmm....  This opens a whole new world of
possibilities.  Okay - I can understand the issue for autoincrement columns
becoming a problem.  UIDs per server would need to be used in that case.

But what happens if there is a break of communication and the same record on
both machines is modified?  For example, if the sync link is down, and I
update record #1 on A, while at the same time, another user is modifying
record #1 on server B.  When the link comes back online, how will the
servers be able to synchronize record #1, or in the case that this is
impossible (I can't even imagine how I would do that manually - merge?  A
overwrite B?  B overwrite A?), how does MySQL flag it and let me know that
there is a discrepancy in the two DBs?

Are there any good whitepapers or docs that I can read about two-way



"John McCaskey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Lets call the two serves A, and B.  You set A as the master for B, and you
set B as the master for A.  In this way you can insert/delete/update on
either side and both sides will be kept in sync.  If you plan to actively
use both at the same time you do need to be weary of some syncronization
issues however (for example autoincrement collumns may be unsafe if you are
inserting to both at the same time).

So the answer to your question is that getting the slave to syncronize back
to the master is not a nightmare, because both can be masters and slaves to
each other and then this will all be handled automatically as soon as the
servers are able to reconnect to each other.



From: news on behalf of Eric B.
Sent: Sun 2/29/2004 9:51 PM
Subject: Replication / Synchronizing DB across different machines


I'm at the stage where I need to create redundancy in my network / DB
server.  Am currently using MySQL 4.0.x, and have been trying to figure out
how I can safely replicate/synchronize between different machines.  I know
there is a way to do a Master / Slave replication, but I'm looking more for
something that will allow 2 way replication.

My problem is that I need to have my DB always available.  If my primary
server (master) goes down, I need another server (hosted in a different
geographical location) to pick up the slack until my primary server comes
back alive.  If I do a simple master/slave replication, getting the slave to
synchronize back to the master once the master comes back alive is a

MS SQL allows full 2 way synchronization between different servers.  Is
there anything I can do in MySQL that will produce a similar result?



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