I am new to Linux, and mySQL.  I am currently a MsSQL Server 2000 and VB
programmer, but trying to break away from that side.  I have my database set
up and working great, but I am really struggling on how to perform scheduled
updates, and data imports.  Can anyone please point me to a good resource to
learn how to build a script, that can import data from an ODBC connection,
and then maybe run multiple queries in the data one at a time.  I don't know
what language I want to use because I don't know enough about it.  Once I
find a way to do what I need, I will learn that language.  I think there
might be a way to use php as cron'd scripts, but I don't know.  Also I
looked at perl, or just bash in linux.  I am used to being able to do
anything I needed to with DTS packages and stored procedures.  I had ask a
similar question a while back, and still can't get going with this.  So far
the graphical packages for updates are the only thing I miss from SQL
Thanks in advance for any help. 
Todd Hackathorn

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