
I know this is an off topic; however I see that you have DB2 experience.
Most of the information I have a question you might be able to answer. Are
you using PHP with MySQL? If so, have you tried to use PHP with DB2? I'd
like to know what functions you call to connect or anything that could
help?  I'm new to the MySQL arena as well.



> Todd,
> I'm also pretty new to MySQL and Linux but I have years of DB2 experience
> on
> various platforms.
> I've bash scripts very useful and cron them when I have something that I
> want to automate, such as a daily backup of my databases. Here are some
> examples of bash scripts that I use with MySQL.
> This example, which is in file RI.sql, creates two related tables in the
> MySQL 'tmp' database, populates them, and displays the results. NOTE: The
> 'Another Mistake' row will not be successfully inserted into the 'emp'
> table
> because it has an invalid foreign key; there is no row for dept 'X99' in
> the
> 'dept' table.
> ---
> use tmp;
> drop table if exists dept;
> create table dept(
> deptno char(3) not null,
> deptname varchar(36) not null,
> mgrno char(6),
> primary key(deptno)
> ) Type=InnoDB;
> drop table if exists emp;
> create table emp(
> empno char(6) not null,
> firstnme char(12) not null,
> midinit char(1),
> lastname char(15) not null,
> workdept char(3) not null,
> salary dec(9,2) not null,
> primary key(empno),
> index(workdept),
> foreign key(workdept) references dept(deptno) on delete restrict
> ) Type=InnoDB;
> insert into dept values
> ('A00', 'Administration', '000010'),
> ('D11', 'Manufacturing', '000020'),
> ('E21', 'Education', '000030');
> insert into emp values ('000010', 'Christine', 'I',
> 'Haas','A00',50000.00);
> insert into emp values ('000020', 'George', 'W', 'Bush', 'D11', 30000.00);
> insert into emp values ('000030', 'Another', ' ', 'Mistake', 'X99',
> 15000.00);
> insert into emp values ('000040', 'John', ' ', 'Kerry', 'E21', 35000.00);
> select * from dept;
> select * from emp;
> ---
> You can run the preceding script from the mysql prompt by preceding its
> name
> with '\.'. For example:
> mysql> \. RI.sql
> This script, called backup2.bash, is what I use to back up my databases
> each
> night. It includes a comment showing the crontab entry I use to run it.
> NOTE: We are using a Perl package called 'sendEmai'l instead of the
> traditional 'sendmail' program.
> ---
> #!/bin/bash
> #This script makes a separate database-level backup of each of the current
> MySQL databases and
> #deletes backups older than a certain number of days.
> #This script is normally invoked via a cron job so that it runs once per
> day
> in the middle of the night.
> #The crontab entry looks like this:
> #0 3 * * * sh /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.bash >
> /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.out
> 2>&1; cat /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.out | sendEmail -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] -t
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] -u "Daily Backup Report"
> USERID="foo"; #The userid to use for creating the backup
> PASSWORD="foopass"; #The password to use for creating the backup
> BACKUP_TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d"-"%H%M%S`; #The timestamp
> (YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS) of the backup
> BACKUP_PATH="/home/rhino/MySQL/backup"; #The directory into which the
> backup
> will be written
> NUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP=7; #The number of generations of backups
> to
> keep
> echo "** REPORT BEGINS **";
> echo
> echo "Program Name:" $0
> report_date=`/bin/date`
> echo "Report Date:" $report_date;
> echo
> #Display the non-secret values used in this run.
> echo "Backup Values:";
> echo "  Backup timestamp is" $BACKUP_TIMESTAMP;
> echo "  Backup path is" $BACKUP_PATH;
> echo "  Number of daily backups to keep ="
> #For each database currently in MySQL, take a database-level backup, then
> list any backups older than a certain number of day
> for ONE_DBNAME in `echo show databases | mysql -s -u $USERID -p$PASSWORD`
> do
>    echo
>    echo "Backing up database" $ONE_DBNAME;
>    /usr/bin/mysqldump --opt --verbose -u${USERID} -p${PASSWORD}
>    echo ">> Deleting these old backups for this database..."
>    /usr/bin/find ${BACKUP_PATH} -mtime
> +$NUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP -name $ONE_DBNAME'*' -print; #display
> old
> backups (i
>    /usr/bin/find ${BACKUP_PATH} -mtime
> +$NUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP -name $ONE_DBNAME'*' -exec rm '{}' ';';
> #delete old
> done
> echo
> echo "** REPORT ENDS **";
> ---
> If you want to take a backup manually with this script (and omit the email
> being sent to you), you can do this from the mysql prompt via:
> mysql> \. /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.bash > /home/rhino/MySQL/backup2.out
> 2>&1
> I think the biggest obstacle you're going to face in writing bash scripts
> is
> the lack of good tutorials on it. There are umpteen bash references that
> show you generic syntax and tell you the terminology used by bash but
> darned
> few decent tutorials to show you how to write bash scripts. Some people
> can
> do anything they want with only a reference but I'm one of those people
> who
> need examples to really understand something so I've had real challenges
> learning bash since the references are extremely skimpy on concrete
> examples.
> Good luck!
> Rhino
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 8:57 AM
> Subject: Scripting
>> Hello,
>> I am new to Linux, and mySQL.  I am currently a MsSQL Server 2000 and VB
>> programmer, but trying to break away from that side.  I have my database
> set
>> up and working great, but I am really struggling on how to perform
> scheduled
>> updates, and data imports.  Can anyone please point me to a good
>> resource
> to
>> learn how to build a script, that can import data from an ODBC
>> connection,
>> and then maybe run multiple queries in the data one at a time.  I don't
> know
>> what language I want to use because I don't know enough about it.  Once
>> I
>> find a way to do what I need, I will learn that language.  I think there
>> might be a way to use php as cron'd scripts, but I don't know.  Also I
>> looked at perl, or just bash in linux.  I am used to being able to do
>> anything I needed to with DTS packages and stored procedures.  I had ask
>> a
>> similar question a while back, and still can't get going with this.  So
> far
>> the graphical packages for updates are the only thing I miss from SQL
>> Server.
>> Thanks in advance for any help.
>> Todd Hackathorn
> --
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