* Scott Plumlee
> I've got two separate tables, each with id fields that are
> auto-increment.  The created fields below are timestamps.  The tables
> are Innodb tables using transactions to process the statements.  This
> will be an online registration process for our business, using PHP and
> MySQL.  PHP is using session ids for tracking state.
> table1
> --------
> id
> first_name
> last_name
> created
> etc.....
> table2
> ---------
> id
> table1_id
> created
> etc....
> I need to insert a row into table1, using a null value for the id so it
> generate an id automatically.  Then I need to insert a row into table2,
> including the id from table 1 (table1.id needs to be inserted into
> table2.table1_id).
> Any best practices to doing this?

Use the LAST_INSERT_ID() function:

INSERT INTO table1 SET first_name='roger',last_name='baklund';
INSERT INTO table2 SET table1_id=LAST_INSERT_ID(),etc='whatnot';

This function is connection specific, you will get the correct id even if
you have multiple simultaneous users.

<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/ANSI_diff_Transactions.html#IDX141 >
<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Information_functions.html#IDX1428 >


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