Yes, the clients (appearently) read to the end of the previous file, and
then sit there, while the server is writing to a new file.

I was thinking this had to do with the "unclean" shutdown of MySQL--
perhapps it's something else.


> Matt Sturtz wrote:
>> Hello--
>> We're using Red Hat's cluster manager (RH AS 2.1, MySQL 4.0.16 RPM).
>> Due
>> to a problem within the cluster software that we're working on with Red
>> Hat, the cluster fails over from one node to the other sometimes when it
>> shouldn't (one node will reboot, services will fail over-- at this point
>> we think it's probably related to IO on the shared quorum partitions).
>> When service is restored some seconds later, the slaves won't start
>> replicating from the newly created binary-log, instead continuing to
>> read
>> from the previous one (IE db-bin.002 is created when MySQL is restarted,
>> but the slaves keep reading from the old file, db-bin.001).  The only
>> fix
>> seems to be CHANGE MASTER TO..., which seems somewhat error prone.
>> Anybody else running MySQL in this type of environment have any words of
>> wisdom?  Thanks in advance for any info...
> They should keep reading from the old one until they catch up. Do they
> fail to
> roll over to the next one after finishing the old one? If yes, it would be
> a bug.
> --
> Sasha Pachev

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