Marius Stan wrote:
Hello all,

While trying to build MySQL-4.0.18-0.src.rpm downloaded from mysql.com on a RedHat 8 I get these:

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libncurses.a(lib_termcap.o): In function `skip_zero':

Are you sure you _do_ have ncurses devel packages installed?

Google hints me that the __ctype_b error should arise only on RH9+ because it's glibc doesn't export some stuff anymore, while RH8 should be just fine, because:


I always build my packages from source, I used to have mysql 4.1, 4.0.18 and 5-alpha compiled and running just fine under RH9 (I said "used" cause i have just upgraded from RH9 to SuSE 9) I am pretty sure i still have the RH9 packages somewhere. Just let me know if you want my copy. =) Again, I never had problems compilling mysql under RH9.

Most of those errors are due to incomplete or not properly configure developement-build environments.

Best Regards

 |____  _____ ____   _    |Victor Medina M                   |
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