**None of these are "table level" modifiers**

Sorry, I guess I used the wrong terminology. I am aware of the table options 
available. What I meant is “additional definitions” after the columns have been 

Now, do I understand that you are saying that a user can specify  any of :


| [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] PRIMARY KEY [index_type] (index_col_name,...)

  | KEY [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)

  | INDEX [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)


        [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)

  | FULLTEXT [INDEX] [index_name] (index_col_name,...)


        [index_name] (index_col_name,...) [reference_definition]

  | CHECK (expr)


after the column definitions, except for the primary key(if it is already defined )? 

Michael Stassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Khashan wrote:

> Thanks for the reply. 
> It seems like the syntax for create_table/create_definition
> should have 2 part-2 modifiers

I think you are misreading the syntax. That is, I think you are confusing 
the index-related create_definitions with the table_options.

> 1- one part-2 'column' modifiers for the each column.
> and 

The column modifiers are

[NOT NULL | NULL] [DEFAULT default_value]

So, you can effectively create an index on a column as you define the column 
by declaring it as the PRIMARY KEY. (UNIQUE seems to work, as well.)

> 2- another part-2 table modifiers for the table as a whole ?
> ( at the end of column definitions).
> two questions:
> -- Are any of the these modifiers:
> - Primary Key
> - Index
> - KEY 
> - Unique 
> mutually exclusive at the column or table level? 
> ( INDEX and KEY are the same, so only one is allowed) 

None of these are "table level" modifiers. They are additional 
"create_definitions", similar to the column create definition, except that 
they create indexes on already defined columns. The table_options, "table 
level modifiers" as you call them, are further down on the manual page 
. You cannot create indexes 
in the table_options section.

> -- Does it make sense for a user to specify 'Primary Key' as part of
> a column modifiers and then again specify 'Primary Key' as part of 
> the table modifiers?

No. You can only have one PRIMARY KEY. That's what primary means.


> Ahmad Khashan
> Rhino wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Khashan" 
>>I am looking at the syntax for creating table( section 6.5.3 of the
> manual):
> [(create_definition,...)] [table_options] [select_statement]
>>part-1 (<- inserted by me for reference)
>>col_name type [NOT NULL | NULL] etc...[reference_definition]
>>part-2 (<- inserted by me for reference)
>>| PRIMARY KEY (index_col_name,...)
>>| KEY [index_name] (index_col_name,...)
>>| INDEX [index_name] (index_col_name,...)
>>| UNIQUE [INDEX] [index_name] (index_col_name,...)
>>| FULLTEXT [INDEX] [index_name] (index_col_name,...)
>>| [CONSTRAINT symbol] FOREIGN KEY .. [reference_definition]
>>| CHECK (expr)
>>The syntax suggests that for each column, in addition to specifying
> part-1, I can specify any or all of the options in part-2 ???.
>>1- Is this true.
> Yes.
>>2- Can I specify the options in part-2 after I defined all my columns. I
> have used things like:
>>CREATE TABLE animals (
>>name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
> Yes, this is the way a CREATE TABLE normally looks: after each column
> name/datatype/null specification ("part 1" in your terminology) come the
> various attributes that further define the column ("part 2" in your
> terminology). A given column can have one or more of these attributes.
> Rhino

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