Victor Pendleton wrote:

I agree with Peter, 50 queries per second is not a MySQL limit. Have you
checked the slow
query log or the *.err log file to see if anything is being logged or if
queries are causing this bottleneck? Have you checked your variables to see
what your
`max-connections` variable is?

-----Original Message----- From: Dan Johnson To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 4/12/04 8:16 AM Subject: Queries per second average

The site that I am working on is experiencing MySQL freeze ups any time after the 'Queries per second average'; seen on the STATUS output; is at

48-50 in value. When the site owner asked the hosting service about this

they told him that the MySQL cannot go above that limit. He still has lots of CPU and RAM resources so it makes me wonder why? Is there a limitation to MySQL in this regard or is the host just trying to save on

badwidth? ;)

Thanks for any insights,


Hi Victor and Peter!

The connections limit was the first hurdle that I came up against. It had been set to 50 connections. It did not take long for connection errors to appear in the logs. The /etc/my.cnf file now looks as follows:



Slow queries do not seem to be a problem in relation to the amount of total queries. The database has been running for an hour now with no slow queries. When it is approaching 50 queries per second average it seems the value could have been as high as 2000+; yet the amount of queries would be very large at that point.

After inspecting the logs in more detail it seems MySQL thinks that key_buffer_size variable should be increased dramatically. That has been done and will let you know if it is successfull to fiz this limitation.

- Dan

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