Franz Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have installed MySQL 4.0.18-nt on a Windows XP machine connected to a
> network. I have administrator privileges. I have also installed MySQL
> Administrator. When I try to look at the users I get the following error
> message:
> Could not fetch Usernames
> MySQL Error Nr. 1044
> Access denied for user: '@%' to database 'mysql'
> When I run WinMySQLAdmin 1.4 and click on the 'Databases' tab no databases
> are listed. When I work from the console and at the mysql> prompt when I
> type in SHOW DATABSES; it only lists the test database but not the mysql
> database.
> When I use the MySQL Contorl Client to view the server I get:
> ERROR 1227: Access denied. You need the PROCESS privilege for this operation
> I have tried using the mysql_fix_privileges.sql but that also gives me lots
> of errors.
> Does anybody have an idea of what is wrong? I have repeatedly tried to
> reinstall MySQL.

You connected to MySQL server as anonymous user that has pribileges only on the 
database 'test'. Connect as user that has enough privileges, for example as user 

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