At 23:51 +0200 4/15/04, Rob Schuurman wrote:

When trying to improve system performance of my webserver, I found out that
there are 10 entries of "[mysqld]" in the Unix proces table (ps aux), even
when there are only one or two processes visible with the "mysqladmin
proceslist" command. Those entries in the Unix proces table consume much
memory and make the system slower than necessary.

Are you sure they're not just threads of the same mysqld process?

Does anyone have a hint about how to limit the number of Unix processes. I do have another (test) system, which is working fine. This system has about one entry in the Unix proces table for each mysql thread (as expected). However I cannot spot any differences in configuration between both systems. (at least not in my.cnf).

See output underneath. Thanks for your time....


# ./mysqladmin -uroot -p processlist Enter password: +----+------+-----------+----+---------+------+-------+------------------+ | Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | +----+------+-----------+----+---------+------+-------+------------------+ | 1 | root | localhost | | Query | 0 | | show processlist | +----+------+-----------+----+---------+------+-------+------------------+

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ps aux -H | grep mysqld root 4320 0.0 0.8 3496 624 pts/1 S 23:47 0:00 grep mysqld root 4189 0.0 1.4 4072 1112 ? S 21:56 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe mysql 4208 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:01 [mysqld] mysql 4209 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:00 [mysqld] mysql 4210 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:00 [mysqld] mysql 4211 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:00 [mysqld] mysql 4212 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:00 [mysqld] mysql 4213 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:00 [mysqld] mysql 4214 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:00 [mysqld] mysql 4215 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:00 [mysqld] mysql 4216 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:00 [mysqld] mysql 4217 0.0 17.0 49356 13280 ? S 21:56 0:00 [mysqld] [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# :

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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