At 23:54 +0200 4/16/04, Rob Schuurman wrote:

They might be threads of the same [mysqld] proces. Can you tell me how I can
verify that?

It depends on your operating system and the process-reporting tools.

For example, on Linux, ps typically reports each thread as a separate entry.
Mac OS X does not.

If you're seeing a bunch of mysqld processes, all with the same memory
use, you're likely seeing threads.  This doesn't mean you're using n times
that much memory (for n processes).  For example, if I launch mysqld on my
Gentoo Linux system, I see 10 mysqld "processes".  But only a single server
is running.

Do you have your server parameters for buffer sizes set to some incredibly
high values?  That might be the cause of your problems.

Additional information is that the system is not in production yet, therefore there is no load yet. My main problem is that the system is very slow and that I found out (via ps command) that the 10 unix processes of mysqld take up a lot of memory. As a result, all memory is used and any queries directly result in swapping. The responsetime of a website is about 4 seconds. My hope is that eliminating unnessary [mysqld] unix-processess will free-up memory and result in less swapping.

One of the things I tried to do is to set max_connections to 4 and
restarting mysql. After doing so, still 10 unix mysqld processess popped up
in the process table.

Any help would be really appreciated !


Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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