In MySQL, the only practical difference between a CHAR and a VARCHAR is how it is stored. CHARs are fixed-length, so they are fast but can waste space. VARCHARs are variable length, so they are slow but (usually) save space. That's the key here -- the only advantage to a varchar is the space savings. But, each varchar takes one more byte than the length of the string in order to store the length. When your column is less than 4 characters, that extra byte makes a significant dent in your space savings, thus removing the sole advantage of varchar over char. For example, it takes 2 bytes to store a CHAR(2) and 1 to 3 bytes to store a VARCHAR(2). MySQL is trying to do you a favor by changing your column. Whether you agree it's done you a favor or not seems to be a matter of opinion.

You should definitely read the "Silent Column Specification Changes" <> section of the manual.


Stormblade wrote:

This has been puzzling me. At first I thought it was something that Navicat
was doing but I also tried in EMS MySQL and it does the same.

If I set the type of a field to varchar and set the length to anything less
than 4 it will get converted to a char type of the same length. Now I know
that char is faster. I read it can be up to 50% faster but I am curious why
I am prevented from having a varchar of length less than 4?

Is it prohibitively expensive to do this in MySQL? Is it such a bad idea
that they simply don't allow you to do it? Inquiring minds want to know.

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