"Arthur Radulescu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a simple query on a table of about 1,000,000 records... The table is
> optimized and the query is pretty simple at this moment... something like
> this
> select id,name,desc,cat,date from table where cat='12'
> however I need to order the results by date desc... I have indexes on both
> the cat and date (of type timestamp) fields however this operation is much
> more slowly when I used the order.... So the result is something like this
> select id,name,desc,cat,date from table where cat='12'
> takes 0.7 seconds
> select id,name,desc,cat,date from table where cat='12' order by date desc
> takes 2.4 seconds
> any ideea what I can do to help speeding up things? I was thinking that I
> should recreate the table daily (something like
> insert into temp select * from table order by date desc
> delete from table
> insert into table select * from temp
> ) and add the last records at the begining so the mysql database can
> retreieve the first records the ones added last because this is my purpose
> in fact
> But I was wondering if you have any other ideas of how I could do this
> because I am not to happy with such operations with such large tables...

Create composite index on (cat, date). Use EXPLAIN to see if MySQL uses index:

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