At 13:03 -0400 4/20/04, Stormblade wrote:
On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 11:49:46 -0500, Paul DuBois wrote:
Make sure the server really is picking up the option value:


Look for 'character_set_server'.

If it's utf8, then perhaps your GUI tools are overriding the setting? Dunno. You might try creating a database through the GUI and then looking at the server query log to see what query is actually being sent to it.

Using WinMySQLadmin 1.4 which came bundled with it I viewed the variables and it seems that it's not picking it up. The variable you mention is still set to latin1. Adding that line you mentioned didn't change anything. Is there a different format for the ini file on *Nix vs Windows?

No. But you're asking me to guess what you did. What file did you add the lines to, and what lines did you add? Did you restart the server?

The file was my ini file. my.ini which is located in the windows directory. I copy and pasted the line you gave here and put it under the [mysqld] section in that ini file. Yes I restarted the server.

Hmm. That should have done it. There weren't any messages in the error log about the server not liking the option or anything?


Here's my variables:

character_set_server: latin1 character_set_system: utf8 character_set_database: latin1 character_set_client: latin1 character_set_connection: latin1
>> character_set_results: latin1

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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