We have a MySQL server that is a backend processing server that in about 60
days will probably run out of disk space.  The data cannot be archived off,
because it is always used and changed many times a day.  The server
currently has 6 72 gig SCSI 15k drives in it.  We have it raided with 2
drives together for the OS and tmp.  And then the data drive is 204 gigs.
We currently have 66 gigs free, and we are adding about 1.2 gigs of new data
per day.


I don't think we would ever get over a terabyte of data, but you never know.
What are my options?  What are solutions that people have used, that have
worked?  I just know whatever the solution is has to be fast!  Because we do
thousands of inserts and selects at the same time.





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