On May 19, 2004, at 1:19 PM, David Blomstrom wrote:

I'd like to get some feedback on storing images in
MySQL databases. The stuff I've read so far suggests
that it's fairly difficult to work with images in
MySQL, and they also slow down databases.

I've also read that there isn't much you can do with
BLOB's that you can't do with PHP manipulating images
stored in an ordinary folder.

So I just wondered if BLOB's are worth my time. For
example, I'm working on a database with information
about the 50 states. If I have maps of each state,
pictures of each state's capital, etc., is there some
BLOB feature that I would find really useful?

All "conventional wisdom" I've ever come across for this type of application is that there's no advantage to keeping the image in the db itself. Just keep them as files on the server, store a filename &/or location in the db if necessary, and use your middleware to display the images. Its faster, easier to maintain, and easier to backup. IMO, storing images in the db just bloats the file and complicates all the backup issues.

-- greg willits

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