Hi all,

Just bought a new server, which was supposed to improve the performance of our app.

The new machine has the same OS (Redhat 8), same MySQL (4.0.18), and same my.cnf.

The problem is that this (frequently run) query, actually runs 41% slower!

      select * from LEG L, LEG_DETAIL D, DEAL_LEGS G
      where L.latest_id = D.latest_id and D.latest_id = G.latest_id
      group by L.dealid limit 750000;

If I remove the "GROUP BY", then the new box returns the results 14% faster than the 
old server.

(So what's so special about "GROUP BY"?)

I ran the benchmark scripts on both boxes, and it seems the following operations are 
slower on the new server, for some reason?

        count_distinct (1000)
        count_distinct_2 (1000)
        count_distinct_group (1000)
        count_distinct_group_on_key (1000)
        count_distinct_group_on_key_parts (1
        count_distinct_key_prefix (1000)
        count_group_on_key_parts (1000)
        count_on_key (50100)
        select_distinct (800)
        select_group (2911)

Can anyone suggest why the new machine might be slower, ONLY IN THE ABOVE areas?

Just in case these numbers help, here are lines from the RUN file, for two of the slow 
operations above....

      Operation                            seconds    usr     sys     cpu    tests
      count_distinct_group                  19.00    1.17    0.08    1.25    1000 
      count_distinct_group (new box)        26.00    0.39    0.26    0.65    1000 
      count_distinct                        12.00    0.51    0.02    0.53    1000 
      count_distinct (new box)              15.00    0.10    0.01    0.11    1000 

Any advice at all, would be very much appreciated!



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