Sounds like a tmp drive issue to me.  Maybe you had reiserfs on your old tmp
partition and now you have ext3 or something like that.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles, Tony (Exchange) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:47 PM
> Subject: upgraded hardware: new server is faster, but "GROUP BY"
> operations are slower???
> Hi all,
> Just bought a new server, which was supposed to improve the performance of
> our app.
> The new machine has the same OS (Redhat 8), same MySQL (4.0.18), and same
> my.cnf.
> The problem is that this (frequently run) query, actually runs 41% slower!
>       select * from LEG L, LEG_DETAIL D, DEAL_LEGS G
>       where L.latest_id = D.latest_id and D.latest_id = G.latest_id
>       group by L.dealid limit 750000;
> If I remove the "GROUP BY", then the new box returns the results 14%
> faster than the old server.
> (So what's so special about "GROUP BY"?)
> I ran the benchmark scripts on both boxes, and it seems the following
> operations are slower on the new server, for some reason?
>       count_distinct (1000)
>       count_distinct_2 (1000)
>       count_distinct_group (1000)
>       count_distinct_group_on_key (1000)
>       count_distinct_group_on_key_parts (1
>       count_distinct_key_prefix (1000)
>       count_group_on_key_parts (1000)
>       count_on_key (50100)
>       select_distinct (800)
>       select_group (2911)
> Can anyone suggest why the new machine might be slower, ONLY IN THE ABOVE
> areas?
> Just in case these numbers help, here are lines from the RUN file, for two
> of the slow operations above....
>       Operation                            seconds    usr     sys     cpu
> tests
>       count_distinct_group                  19.00    1.17    0.08    1.25
> 1000
>       count_distinct_group (new box)        26.00    0.39    0.26    0.65
> 1000
>       count_distinct                        12.00    0.51    0.02    0.53
> 1000
>       count_distinct (new box)              15.00    0.10    0.01    0.11
> 1000
> Any advice at all, would be very much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Tony
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