I just encountered this yesterday on my Macintosh, and it turned out that
user "mysql" did not have permission to write to the destination folder.  I
simply had to change the permissions on that folder to include Read & Write
access to user "mysql".


on 6/1/04 8:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> input:
> select firstname,middlename,lastname,county,state,dob,ssn into outfile
> '/Users/user/temp/test.csv' fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by
> '\n' from iffinet.subjects where client_id='1' and ostatus='complete';
> output:
> ERROR 1: Can't create/write to file '/Users/timbest/test.csv' (Errcode: 13)
> Išve granted full rights to anyone who accesses /Users/user/temp.  Any ideas
> as to what I can do to fix this?
> VR/Tim
> Best IT
> cell: 504-231-1084
> fax: 206-338-6162
> http://www.best-it.biz

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