I am trying to pull cst_SiteID from a query result to use in another query:

SELECT cst_Name,cst_SiteID FROM customers WHERE cst_Name LIKE 'st%'

| cst_Name                                 | cst_SiteID |
| Stanley Associates                       |       8182 |
| Starbucks Coffee Holdings                |       9261 |
| State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance C |       9523 |
| State of New York -NYMTC                 |       7356 |
| State Street Bank and Trust Company      |       8305 |
| Staubach Company                         |       8240 |
| Staveley Services                        |       8502 |
| Stellar Internet Monitoring, LLC         |       8665 |
| Stonewall Kitchens                       |       8221 |
| Strategic de Mexico                      |       4401 |

Can anyone help me figure out how to assign a new variable to the cst_SiteID
for each row?
Chris Dietzler

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