Actually, cst_SiteID is tied to assets owned by the customer in another
table. What I need to do is get the cst_SiteID and use it to get a list of
assets from the other table. I have created a successful search page for an
individual site id search, but now want to do a search by name, where
multiple sites are displayed. Here is my current query:

mysql_select_db(mig) or die("Problem selecting database");
 $query = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE cst_Name LIKE '$_SESSION[Name]%'";
 $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Query failed");
 //let's get the number of rows in our result so we can use it in a for loop

                         Search by Site ID
                        SiteID: 7820                            <-- Search for SiteID 
+ Center Technologies, Inc. 7820                                <-- Results from 
Search listing Name
and Site ID

+ 37670 7820-www-db0  7820                <-- Assests Associated with
SiteID 7820

-----Original Message-----
From: gerald_clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 11:59 AM
To: Chris Dietzler
Cc: Mysql (E-mail)
Subject: Re: Pulling a value from a filed in a result to use as another

Chris Dietzler wrote:

>I am trying to pull cst_SiteID from a query result to use in another query:
>SELECT cst_Name,cst_SiteID FROM customers WHERE cst_Name LIKE 'st%'
>| cst_Name                                 | cst_SiteID |
>| Stanley Associates                       |       8182 |
>| Starbucks Coffee Holdings                |       9261 |
>| State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance C |       9523 |
>| State of New York -NYMTC                 |       7356 |
>| State Street Bank and Trust Company      |       8305 |
>| Staubach Company                         |       8240 |
>| Staveley Services                        |       8502 |
>| Stellar Internet Monitoring, LLC         |       8665 |
>| Stonewall Kitchens                       |       8221 |
>| Strategic de Mexico                      |       4401 |
>Can anyone help me figure out how to assign a new variable to the
>for each row?
>Chris Dietzler
Well, if cst_SiteID is autoincrement, try:
update customers set cst_SiteID=0 where cst_Name LIKE 'st%';

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