You can change the download options so that it will ask you where you want
to put the file rather than default to the desktop.

Tools/Options/Downloads/Ask me where to put every file.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Blomstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: Where do exported SQL files go?

--- "Robert A. Rosenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 20:13 -0700 on 06/02/2004, David Blomstrom wrote
> about Re: Where
> do exported SQL files go?:
> >(I'm using Mozilla Firefox, which downloads
> >everything to the desktop, though I don't
> understand
> >why it considers this a download when it's a
> database
> >on my computer.)
> Might it be doing this due to PHPAdmin being a
> WebPage application
> and thus being served by your Web Server making the
> file need to be a 
> FTP Download <g>?

Well, that's as good an explanation as any. :) It
isn't that big a deal; at least I know where I can
find everything I download, and I can always copy and
rename them and move them somewhere else if necessary.

It just confused me this time around.

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