At 15:53 +1000 on 06/07/2004, Ligaya Turmelle wrote about Re: Advice on Database Schema Design:

I think I get what you are trying to do and it sounds good (though I am
still a beginner).  The only thing I can think that might cause a problem is
since you have more then a couple of tables you MAY have to write joins for
all of them .  Only you would know if you can do that and/or be comfortable
doing it.

To get a stronger idea though of your design I would need to see either a
logical ER diagram or all of the creates (I am very visual so I like
pictures). *shrugs*  whether or not you want to pass those along is up to

Ligaya Turmelle

Thanks for the reply. I'm still at the stage where I am deciding what I want the tables to look like before doing the CREATE TABLE statements. I do not think I will need JOINS since it is going to be more of a WHERE t1.x=t2.x (and SELECT t2.y [from the t2.x selected row]) type situation where I am selecting the fields form the support tables based on the link (Foreign Key) field not actually merging/matching tables.

""Robert A. Rosenberg"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
 I am converting a form that was originally designed to be Email
 Submitted into a Submit-to-PHP-Page Form (which will then insert the
 data into a MySQL Database).

 I expect no problems in actually scanning the submission to extract
 the data but I have some questions on the design of the Tables that I
 will need to define to store the data.

 I have done some research and have come up with a tentative design
 that I want to post here for critiquing. Here is what I have come up

 Each form will get assigned a sequence number (SubmitterID) that will
 identify the form submission in all the tables (thus linking them).

 There are a number of TextAreas where the user is requested to enter
 free form replies to questions. I am thinking that these should go
 into a separate table as Text fields of the correct size with
 SubmitterID as the Primary Key. That keeps the data away from the
 main table and thus only accessed when needed/requested as well as
 not bloating the size of the main table or slowing its

 There are a number of blocks of CheckBoxes on the form. While I
 could, in theory, use a SET column type to store them, I get the
 impression that a better way is to create a Many-to-One table for
 each block with the total contents of each row being the CheckBoxID
 and SubmitterID (in that order) as the Primary Key. A Index for
 SubmitterID would also be defined. This way I can do a WHERE on
 either Column and get Index Usage as opposed to needing to do a
 row-by-row lookup. I have the impression that doing a WHERE over a
 SET Column (especially when I'm looking for more than one value) is
 not a good or efficient idea. The CheckBoxID would map to a 3rd table
 to get the actual CheckBoxName.

 There are also two Select Tables (one for US States and one for
 Countries). While the States are passing the USPS 2-Letter State
 Codes, the Countries are passing the full Country Name as their
 OPTION VALUE=. I want to make a State Table and a Country Table using
 respectively the 2-Letter Code and a sequential reference number
 (which I will revise the Country OPTION tags to use as their VALUE)
 as the Primary Key with the State or Country Name as the other column.

 To create the reference key and populate the OPTION pages with it I
 plan to take the current HTML for these tags and read them into a
 Text Editor where I will then alter them into MySQL Insert Commands
 to populate the Table. Then using a one-shot Quick&Dirty PHP page, I
 will read the table and recreate the Option Statements which would
 the be Cut&Pasted into the original HTML code replacing the old
 versions of the tags. The states go though the same "Turn into INSERT
 Commands" but there is no need for post processing or HTML Tag

 Of course all the Table Pointers would be defined as Foreign Keys to
 insure Referential Integrity.

 Am I making any mistakes in my design or am I on the correct track. I
 welcome any critique of my design or advice on how to improve it.

Thank you.

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