You need to first determine what the bottleneck is. If it's disk I/O that's slowing you down, then adding another instance of MySQL may actually hurt you. If that table is physically large, it's probably your disk subsystem holding you back. I don't know what you disk setup is like. For about $250 you could get two fast IDE disks and an IDE card and stripe the drives (RAID 0?). Move just the big table to the striped drives and that should eliminate disk contention and give you fast access to the table. Since it's static, you don't have to worry too much about losing everything if a disk goes bad. Meaning, keep a copy on another disk.

On Jul 16, 2004, at 11:17 AM, Kart v wrote:

Hi all,

System details:

PowerMac G5 1.6 GHz dual processor
Mac OS X (10.3.4)

Application : MYSQL (mysql  Ver 12.20 Distrib 4.0.13,
for apple-darwin6.6 (powerpc))  + APPACHE

I have couple of database on a single installation of
MySQL. One of these databases is static (only selects)
and is really huge (it has tables with 500,000,000
rows) and the remaining databases are comparatively
small and have frequent updates. All tables are MyISAM
I am currently considering ways to improve the
perfromance (select) of the huge database. There wont
be more than 5 - 10 users accessing this database

Current System variables

key buffer size 8388600
sort buffer size 2097144
join buffer size 131072
max heap table size 16777216
max join size 4294967295
max sort length 1024
myisam max sort file size 2147483647
myisam sort buffer size 8388608

Upto my understanding mysql runs on a single thread
and is not capable of utilizing both the processors.
(please correct me if i am wrong). I would like to
know if I could see any performance improvement if I
do a second installation of MySQL and move the huge
database to the new installation. In that case please
suggest me if it is better to install by compiling the
source code or is there any package available that can
be used directly. Also it would be helpful if you
could give me some hints on what system variables to
set and what table types to use. After doing the basic
setup, I will play with the queries to optimize them.

Thanks for your help
Kareen T

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