On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Paul Greidanus wrote:

> >> Sounds like a lot of people have been thinking of multiple disks for
> >> a while.  I had some thoughts on it a few days ago, from a hack
> >> standpoint more then doing it right..  The multi-user thing is
> >> something that I'm also very interested in getting working.
> >>
> >> But, my idea for extra video disks:
> >> Write up a script, probably Bash, that has a record of which disks
> >> are to be used for secondary video storage (/video1, /video2,
> >> /video3).  It checks for real files in /video, and after making sure
> >> they're not still being recorded, moves them to one of the video
> >> disks, based on available space on the secondary disks, and then
> >> makes a symlink in the /video disk for the recording.  Then just run
> >> this script every few hours, every day, or whenever.
> >
> > One problem with this is when MythTv deletes or autoexpires a recording.
> > With sybolic links (as in fact I have at the moment) only the symbolic
> > links get removed. There needs to be some code change in MythTv
> > to handle this ...
> >
> > Terry
> >
> Could be hacked into my script idea too.. see if the link goes away, or
> check the database and see if the file has been expired, and delete it
> that way.. but this hack is going to get messy very quickly.

There is already a check-box on one of the setup screens to tell Myth to
follow sym-links when deleting programs.  I know from personal experience
that it works.

I don't remember which setup page it is on.  Maybe it is only in the CVS,
and that is why you don't see it?

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