> I'd like to add AMiga Games to MythGame, and So there are Games with 
> more than One Disk.
> So we need an option to scan for Games with the same Name and a Number 
> behind like
> Sumer Games 1.adf
> Sumer Games 2.adf
> and a way how we could let the emulator know wich rom in wich place.

 So, what exactly would get passed to the emulator? One or both names? 
Can you show me an example commandline that you would use with a gamethat has
multiple disks/roms?

> like   znes --fullscren %rom
> because there are emulators wich require ther rom not as last parameter!

  Ok, I've added this and will check it in later.  You will be able to
  use %s to represent the rom name. Example

         zsnes -a -b %s -c -d   

  If no %s is specified in the commandline it will automatically 
  place the romname at the end of the command.

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