Greg Estabrooks wrote:
 Here is what I propose. I could add an option to the player setup
screen to allow for Multiple Disks/Roms for that particular emulator,
and then as long as the files are named Majong.1 a .adf, Majong.2.adf (or
Majong-1.adf, Majong-2.adf, etc) they will be detected.

There are a few naming convensions out there for this. For example, TOSEC (which covers a whole load of systems not just Amiga). In this you have names such as "A Cool Game [publisher, etc] [Disk 1]".

Also the CAPS naming convension uses many diffent names for multiple disks, i.e. Disk 1, Disk A, Disquette 1, etc.

Just suggestions but:

Both of the above usually keep disk images in ZIP files. Therefore you can know which disks belong to a particular game, and if you made that a requirement for every system, detection might be a lot easier.

To find out the order of the disks to put in the disk drives, you could sort the list of disk files in the ZIP and add them one by one up to the amount of drives the emulator/system supports. This should work in the vast majority of cases. It may fail, but there are lots of multi-disk games that only work from the first drive anyway.

I don't know how much work that is, but I think above is a good way to do it.

A single entry for Majong.adf(The .adf will not be displayed in the tree list) will be placed in the database along with a detected disk count
placed in a field named disks.

Don't forget there are IPF files too! :)

And I thik a way to edit Metadata would be nice,(lik suggested yesterday) I
think we can copy that from MythMusic, I'm looking forward to doing that.

There is an emerging standard for this spearheaded by Cloanto - which is not system specific. It involves putting in all the information you would need to get a game to run (emulator config, multiple disk names etc.). If you supported that, you would get lots of other people filling in the information for us to use :) If you are interested, I'll find the link... It is not finalised yet unfortunately, but a Linux library to handle it might get things moving and make it easier for you, so I'll suggest that to them!

 I just don't see the value in this. The metadata all gets wiped when doing
a game scan, and there just isn't much beyond Genre, Year, and Game Name
that would be worth editing. My goal is to have as much of that auto
filled in for as many different gametypes as possible.

TOSEC naming, a current emulation "standarard" has all that information which you could use. Might be a lot more work though...


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