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Ted Romer wrote:
> I'm planning to code up a simple context-sensitive help window that
> would show the keybindings for the current context.
> I'd envision it behaving as follows:
> F1: pop up a modeless transparent help window with text describing the
> keys and their functions in the current context, and give focus to this
> window.  If the help window is already open, give it focus.
> When the focus is on the help window:
>    HELP (F1): help on help (if there is any :)
>    ESCAPE (Esc): close the help window
>    MENU (M): give focus to the main window, but leave the help window
> visible.
>    Future: any other functionality the help window supports
> If the context changes, the help window would close.
> For a prototype I'll just put up static text based on my preferences and
> remote configuration, but a finished version would reflect the dynamic
> settings.
> Questions (I'm new to the Myth code base, and I'm no UI builder or
> usability expert):
> 1. Does the basic behavior sound right?
> 2. Has this already been done/thought about?  I didn't see any similar
> features/tasks/bugs in Trac.
> 3. Any complications I should anticipate?
> 4. Any tips on where to hook in the code?  At least for prototyping I
> think could just capture F1 in {libmyth/mythdialogs.cpp
> ,libmythui/mythmainwindowui.cpp}/TranslateKeyPress and pop up a modal
> dialog with static help text based on the context parameter, but I'm
> guessing I'll have to do more work than that to get the fancier behavior
> I descibed above.
> Ted Romer

1. I think so.  Consider treating this as something like a global key or
"jump-point" style action, as opposed to hard coding F1.
2. Not to my knowledge.
3. No
4. The key-binding (mythcontrols) plugin would also have stuff on key

Sounds like a neat idea.
- --
Micah F. Galizia

"The mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause,
while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for
one."   --W. Stekel
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