Sent this to the user list with no response, so I assume its not possible.
ok, DCT6200, with 5C on many channels, os some channels can be received 
through the firewire no problem, the rest can use the pvr-150. 

Is there a way to set it up so that when Myth needs to record a 5C=0 channel 
it uses the firewire transfer from the box but when it needs to record a 
5C=1+ it uses the PVR-150? I can manually tell Myth which channels use 
firewire and which use the PVR-150 but what I need to know is if there is a 
way to tell it that both methods are using the same cable box and therefore 
it can't use both simultaneously?

Since many people will have a similar setup with their cable box (some 
channels 5C=0 some 5C=1, a nice ability would be to be able to have Myth take 
some channels via firewire and some via a PVR-150 from the same cable box.

any thoughts?

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