> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Jeremy Muhlich
> Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 12:41 PM
> To: Development of mythtv
> Subject: RE: [mythtv] LiveTV Recordings question
> On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 11:46 -0800, Todd Tidwell wrote:
> > Lastly, being a software developer myself for 15 years, I know that all
> > software benefits the most by making it accessible for the broadest
> range of
> > users.  The easy, simple, correct way to do that is to allow options and
> to
> > allow multiple configurations.
> This is the exact attitude that has led to tens of pages of
> configuration options in Myth.  I am all for making software accessible
> to the broadest range of users.  But I feel that should be accomplished
> by adhering to a sort of Pareto principle: a majority of the users, say
> 80%, are perfectly happy with a limited set of functionality.  Those
> users should not be forced to twiddle a lot of knobs to get the software
> to do the few simple things they need.  The developer can cater to the
> remaining 20% of power users but must strive not to let power features
> make the basic features harder to use.
> Most of the main developers and the regulars on this list are by
> definition in that power-user segment, so it's hard to step back and
> think about it from the perspective of a "normal" user.  But the ease of
> use for the basic users is what will ultimately drive the long-term
> success of this project.
> I am at odds with Issac on a lot of things, but here I feel he's made
> the right decision by not adding another knob to tweak.  Instead he's
> created a sane underlying design that does the right thing all by
> itself.
>  -- Jeremy

I agree that you can have too many options.  But considering we already have
an option for setting the number of days, would it be too much to ask to
make it have a "Immediately Expire" option in that same setting?  I.e. a
dropdown instead of a text box that let you see "Immediately Expire, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7" as options and then it does just that?

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