On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 10:16:47PM -0700, Bill Sutton wrote:
> Um...
> Probably going to draw fire on this, but...
> Why does the Linux community tend to collaborate with e-mail lists?
> This seems kind of backward to me given that there is the rather nice
> real time messaging methods used made useful by various forum sites.

Actually, I've found forum sites to be extremely annoying.

If you want to have conversations on several topics, you have to:

1. Register accounts with several sites

2. Check them all regularly

3. Deal with slow interfaces caused by having to send it all in HTML

4. Never work offline

5. Deal with different interfaces at each different site

I despise web forums for all these reasons.  It's a solution to a
non-problem given the existance of mailing lists.

I track some 30 mailing lists.  This would be completely impossible if I
had to track 30 web forums.

-- John
mythtv-users mailing list

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