John Andersen wrote:

On Monday 06 December 2004 13:25, Steve Berryman wrote:

i also think that a forum for this kind of stuff would be better. it
makes it easier to keep track of threads as well rather then trying to
sort all your email

If sorting mail is challenging for you, how on earth do you manage to get mythtv up and running?

My god man, mail readers have been sorting mail since 1978 compuserve dial up days.


I never thought I would be beaten up so bad by posting my thoughts. I have been reading the list (through mail) for about a year now. I have been participating since march (according to gossamer-threads;list=mythtv ). In fact the main reason I joined was to have this discussion. I would imagine that others who feel the same way I do are not signed up to the list. They just read the threads.

I would have to agree there are many advantages to using a mailing list. There is more exposure to individual "posts." If someone put a bad title in a forum it will never be read. Mailing lists are very easy to use off line (or online as our gmail overlords have mentioned).

I have been running linux for ~6 years. I maintain 3 Myth boxes (one of my own). I would consider mythTV very simple to get up and running for me. It is not hard to qmake, make .... It is just the dependency hell that makes it difficult for many (hence great tools like apt-get emerge and urpmi)

I am just overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the mailing list. I have now started reading gossamer-threads, junking my pop email downloads and find the one post I want to reply to (It isn't difficult to create a filter of (if [mythtv-users] deliver to trash). My ISP just recently raised the inbox limit so I am not so hard pressed to download my email daily.

I appreciate the ideas of popping it down to my linux box and then serving them back as imap. I have never thought of that. I may look into it.

I will continue to use the list. I will give help to people who ask for it and I know the solution. I am not angered by using the email list just overwhelmed. If my comments were harsh to you I apologize. I was just doing what I told myself I would do after I signed up for the mailing list.

PS Thanks for the info about the date (my wife uses the Microsoft calendar (from the clock) to schedule her life and sometimes she forgets to return it to the correct day (or in this case year).
PPS Compuserve started email in 1979 (and I don't know if it sorted email, I know "I" can't do it in pine)
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