> -----Original Message-----
> From: TJ Hunter
> Hello All,
> I'm in the process of reading the documentation and getting a MythTV
> setup. I'm getting ready to purchase my hardware and I have a few
> questions to make sure I understand the documentation.
> I'm thinking about getting two Hauppauge PVR-250 capture cards so that
> I can record (or watch) more than one channel at a time. I also need
> another card that has video-out, correct? What card would you all
> recommend for this?
I went with a PVR-250 & a PVR-350. I had trouble getting the TV out on the '350
to work, so I went with my motherboards on board VGA output and connected it to
a TView Micro.

When I get some free cash, I'm going to yank the '350 and put in a pair (for a
total of 3) '250s.

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