On Fri, 2004-12-10 at 10:07, Jim Gifford wrote:
> Kayne wrote:
> >I am looking for information on anyone who has actually made mythtv tune
> >a Directv (thomson) D10 reciever.  I have searched hi and low for days
> >and have not found many results.  Interfacing to IR or serial I have no
> >preference as long as it works.  If you can help me find this
> >information, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Kayne Kruse

> I use a serial cable from http://www.dtvcontrol.com/. I also use this 
> script to change the channels, with the following modification 
> http://tarek.2y.net/myth/RCA.pl/
> Change my $serial=init_serial("/dev/cua1","9600"); to
> my $serial=init_serial("/dev/ttyS0","9600"); for COM1
> my $serial=init_serial("/dev/ttyS1","9600"); for COM2

So you were able to make RCA.pl work with a serial cable?  I'll have to
review my wiring.  I wonder if the serial port on the receiver is not
enabled or if you had to enable the port on the D10 some how.


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