Michael J. Lynch wrote:

Here's my two cents worth. As far as I'm concerned, Jarods guide is the bible
when it comes to installing and getting myth up and running. I researched linux
PVR stuff for about a week before I found myth and Jarods guide. I read the
guide over a couple of times and took the plunge.

I'm not a linux newbie but I'm not an expert either. Using Jarod's guide, I was
able to install FC1 (it was a while back) and myth, configure everything and
have it all working in a period of maybe 6 hours. I've used his guide for FC2
installs and have done it enough times now that I can install FC, myth,
configure and have a running system in about 3 hours.

I for one am grateful for Jarods guide and think he did an outstanding job with
it. The only thing that would make it even better would be if there was a link
on the site to a kickstart to use to install the whole works from the ground up.
Then about all his instructions would need to say would be:

   Download kickstart.
   Boot linux install aiming at kickstart floppy.
   Come back later when it's done.

Obviously it wouldn't be that easy, but pretty close.  :-)

Jack Trout wrote:

Well helping to fix the problem is great, but shutting it down doesnt
help, Maybe Jarod hasnt had time to update it I mean he only has a
life away from mythtv, including a job, and a holiday season, but I am
sure any positive input to how to fix it might be useful, but if he
takes it down he might not get the info needed to finish the support.
We are all very lucky that jarod was nice enough to even write
anything down for people less linux or even technically inclined have
something to guide them. How many people are good at writing step by
step documentation especially in the higher ups in unix/linux. Someone
with decent technical documentation skills is hard to come by and
seeing he is giving up his time and effort for free (although he does
accept donations). I consider myself on the lower middle of linux tech
skill and google searching, but I was able to build my first myth box
barely functional after about 4-5 days of solid work and even then It
wasnt 100% functional. and with jarods guide and about 4 hours my
first time I had a fully functioning and recording box.

On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 09:26:38 -0800 (PST), Matt D. Robinson

As I said before, I'm trying to help figure out what's broken.
If it can be fixed, then I'm all for it (and I'm doing rebuilds
now to try and see what happened).

I don't believe in "put up or shut up" -- if it's broken, someone
should say something, and people (including me) should try and help
fix it.  If open source and/or open project work revolved around
"put up or shut up" perspectives, much less would get done and
people would be afraid to give any feedback whatsoever.

Thanks for your enthusiastic response, however.


On Wed, 29 Dec 2004, Mike Matsuzaki wrote:
|>Hey, I got an idea.
|>Make your own Howto guide!
|>Jarod's guide has been a life-saving resource for many of us.  If you
|>have any better ideas where to start.  Put up or shut up.

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