On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 15:28:19 -0800 spake Asher of:

> I'm curious what people have done about memory optimization in their
> myth boxes.  I'm running a combination FE/BE on an EPIA M10000 with
> 512MB of RAM, so keeping things clean is rather critical to keeping it
> all usable.  That said, I am running Azureus on this machine as well
> which can be a huge memory hog, not to mention it causes a huge amount
> of disk caching to occur.  Combine that was something like commercial
> flagging and show recording and I have a huge amount (IMO) of swap
> space being used.

I have 512 MB of RAM in my Myth box (combined BE/FE, dedicated machine), and
NO paging space allocated. This greatly reduces the amount of paging. ;)

Only problem I've ever had was due to the OpenGL memory leak in MythGallery.
Other than that I've never had any problems with running out of memory.

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