On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 09:06:34 -0800 spake Asher of:

> Well that is one way of dealing with it, lol.  I think setting
> swappiness to 0 might just be the way to go.  I don't think myth
> really needs the large diskcache (over 150MB) that gets created.  Or
> am I wrong on that?

I would suspect that the large filecache isn't particularly helpful for
Myth... it's writing these large-ish files out, but is not necessarily going
to re-access the same file again in the near future. In fact, I find a bit of
a delay (as data is pulled off disk) if the box is doing more than one thing
at once. For example, watching one thing while recording another, or watching
a recording while another is being flagged for commercials. In these cases,
pressing I introduces a slight delay, presumably as the images are pulled off
disk again and/or the database is queried.

Certainly not bad enough to complain about, but sometimes I wonder if Myth
might be able to benefit from using Direct IO (if Linux has this capability).
Filesystem cache might benefit LiveTV, though.

But, this is all just speculation. I am, unfortunately, not familiar enough
with the internals to say for sure.

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