Bear Paw wrote:
Greetings peoples ... I'm really new at MythTV but I've been tracking its progress for some time. My question has to do making a really weird setup.
System one: 4 tuner cards, records and encodes shows and transfers them to fileserver
System two: File server, this will hold the MythTV backend and dish out files to all the frontends.
System 3-N: MythTV frontends
What we really want is for SysOne to cache the files to its harddrives then transfer them to SysTwo.
Is this doable or should we just try to put it all on one system?

It's good that you are thinking about two server machines but you may be thinking about it the wrong way around. It is not a good thing to put lots of cards in the same system. It isn't just a matter of having enough CPU but there is PCI bandwidth, disk cache, IDE bus contention, memory, and kernel scheduler time slices that the recorders need to compete for. One card per system is best, two is usually acceptable. More than that is possible but not beneficial.

You should think about putting cards 1 and 4 in one machine
then 2 and 3 in the other. Put local disks in both machines
although you could put all you big disks in the machine with
card 1 and NFS mount for the other machine but this is not
as efficient in several ways.

-- bjm
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